More Pretty Please Intro
More Pretty Please has a heavy focus on video (specifically YouTube) integration. I wanted to create something that added a lot of pop at the start of each video but also gave the client another opportunity to brand her content. I created this short intro using After Effects to do just that. Additionally, I left the audio track relatively subtle to ensure the client could dub in her own audio to make the transition from the intro to her content seamless.

CBF Modern Lower Third
I created this lower third for Cat Bear Films to match the new logo and general style. Not only is the text easily changed in Final Cut Pro but the logo is also a drop zone – meaning editors can drop in whatever image they like in this section. As an example they could add the Twitter logo here then use the text fields to include their Twitter handle.

CBF Modern Intro
I wanted to create an intro sequence for the Cat Bear Films podcast that included the new log but also allowed the opportunity to tease the content before the video started. I used the same concept with the updatable diamond in this video as well. As you can see the videos starts zoomed in on Snacks but then pulls out to show the rest of logo plus the incorporation of the first letter of the content type. I used After Effects to create the general animation and polish then used Final Cut Pro and Motion to make the content easily MORE

Joseph Lao Productions Test
This is a 3D video intro I made for a friend of my Joseph Lao. He’s an amazing videographer, editor and director. Seriously, this guy can do just about anything. I was playing around in After Effects one day and decided to use him as inspiration.

Inkwealth Logo Prototype
This is the logo I created for a side project of mine. It’s concept for a community site that helps aspiring self-publishers find editors for their work. It was one of the first mock ups I made for the project and ultimately I changed a number of things including the spelling of the name, the literal inkwell and coins, and the overlaid banner. I did keep a few of the design cues though such as the color palette and the round, badge-style concept.

Inkwellthy Logo
This is the finalized logo for inkwellthy – it’s undergone a few changes from it’s original foundation. Most notable I wanted a simpler design, a more linear font and a name that allowed for better readability. As you look at the logo imagine you are looking over a pen resting horizontally atop an open inkwell. I’ve also included a few different color variations to show how it could be changed to match certain backdrops.

More Pretty Please Logo
The logo I created for moreprettyplease.com is all about universality. By adding or removing parts it can fit into any location. The button in the center is easy to display as a badge or a printed sticker. The text can stand on it’s own while still showcasing eye-catching contrast. And it’s very easy to layer in dynamic backgrounds to make it stand out even more as a hero image (just like the watercolors added in this version).

CBF Logo – Original
This is the original logo I created for Cat Bear Films. As you can see it it was a more literal take on the podcast crew’s moniker. The color pallet was chosen to add a lot of contrast. The deep brown is a visual tie-in to the concept of a bear. The yellow and white help starkly separate the foreground imagery while also adding a strong sense of motion while you look at the image. I wanted to ensure legibility as the logo would be used with the podcast’s YouTube uploads, meaning it would be on a lot of different MORE

CBF Ball Cap
A quick rendering of the Cat Bear Films logo on a ball cap – ya know, cuz it’s all about the swag and merch!

Cat Bear Films Logo
This is the most recent logo for the Cat Bear Films Podcast and YouTube Channel. One of the challenges on this logo was incorporating the podcasts many pursuits. CBF comedically talks about movies, snacks, home repair and the list goes on and on. The diamond on the right not only breaks up the image visually but it also allows the client to sub in any necessary letter or simple icon. For instance CBF-S, for snacks or CBF-R for review.